
See our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy at the bottom of the page.


Leap Ahead Learning has a suite of policies in each of the National Quality Areas that enable our service to adhere to the highest of standards that we set for ourselves. These policies are continually being reviewed and updated, and are available upon request.


Leap Ahead Learning is committed to ensuring that there are appropriate systems and processes in place to enable:

•    good governance and management of the organisation
•    accountability to its stakeholders
•    compliance with all regulatory and legislative requirements placed on the organisation
•    the organisation to remain solvent and comply with all its financial obligations.


For the above to be achieved, along with compliant record keeping, policies and procedures need to be adhered to. Under the National Law and National Regulations, early childhood services are required to have policies and procedures in place.


Privacy & Confidentiality POLICY - FOR NEW FAMILIES

National Quality Area 7

This Policy is to be presented to all new enquiries about Leap Ahead Learning. It is to inform interested parties about Leap Ahead Learning.

Leap Ahead Learning is an approved and licenced care and education service operated by an Approved Provider. We are a privately run and managed preschool.  All information we collect is treated confidentially as per Australia’s privacy law, known as the Privacy Act, and we follow the Australian Privacy Principles (APPS). We are regulated under the legal frameworks:

  • National Quality Framework: Education and Care Services National Law Act
  • 2010 (National Law) and Education and Care Services National Regulations
  • 2011 (National Regulations).

Please click on the link below to access our full policy document.

LAL About Us Policy Including Privacy & Confidentiality